If they keep the toilet paper locked up, that’s one of the signs you’re in the ghetto. While you’re there enjoy a swing-set made out of grocery carts and don’t mind all the fast food counters that are sealed behind glass walls. Don’t hurry out of there though, you may learn some creative uses to replace windshield wipers or headlights on the cheap.
Violence Comes With Your Haircut
Lock the doors and just keep driving.
Just another day in the ghetto.
But are there fries??
Even the swings have bars.
No working stove? No problem.
Yeah, we hate replacing headlights too.
We agree, that regular combo is way too expensive.
This is genius so long as you have a passenger with you.
This isn’t something you see during your daily visit to Starbucks.
When gum is a luxury.
Next time you ask for a cup of water, be sure to sneak your jug in for some free Kool-Aid.
When you need to figure out who your baby daddy is and the DNA testing truck conveniently pulls up.
Whoever did this had some serious balls.
Mind. Blown. KFC buckets make flawless lampshades.
It’s a harsh environment when you’re not allowed to eat while waiting for your curls to set.
Ever just walk into a fast food restaurant and see this? Didn’t think so.
Don’t mind him, transportation is hard to come by in the ghetto.
Props for being honest though.