There are some people in this world that are really ruining the human gene pool, and these 29 people take the cake in that regard. Whether you prefer to call them dumb, ignorant, idiotic, or just downright stupid, I think we can all agree that they’re not the sharpest tools in the shed.
This parent should know that he/she is failing at that homeschooling stuff.
Sure, because we can just tell the Chinese that we’re annexing their entire country.
Yes, and it’s a larger religion than European. Who knew?!
Apparently this umbrella didn’t come with instructions.
We feel bad for John’s knowledge of the human body.
She thought the wheels were for decoration only.
In Dayna’s defense, Jesse could have been a little more clear.
And Gabrielle is a few cents short of a dollar.
Did she think London was its own country?
This woman doesn’t deserve a BMW.
We wonder how many of her friends were stupid enough to actually text her old number expecting a response.
This is just sad. So sad.
Bless her/his heart.
Accident or complete obliviousness?
At least Jesse caught the mistake.
Some people have no clue.
This goes to show just how self-centered people are.
Didn’t every American kid learn what New England was in kindergarten?
Autocorrect fail or stupidity?
Shame on the OP, but shame also on the responder for his/her atrocious grammar.
Doug gives us hope for the human race.
Wow. Just wow.
There are so many rude things we want to say but won’t, because suicide is a serious problem.
If you’re going to be a criminal mastermind we recommend not being friends with this guy.
Let this be a lesson to absolutely everyone. You should never, never assume your tattoo artist is capable of spelling every word right or being grammatically correct when tattooing your body. Melanie, you brought this on yourself.