Our 30s are usually a high point in our lives. Many people are beginning to get settled in careers, may have married and started families, and are still in generally good health. But this can also be a time when we no longer feel as invincible as we did in our teens and 20s, and worrisome symptoms can show up or we start to see the impact of poor lifestyle choices. Here are some of the top health concerns women should take seriously in their 30s.
Weight Gain
Putting on a few pounds is unfortunately common for women in their 30s. Whether a result of too many late nights at work that make it difficult to get to the gym or stopping for fast food on the way home from your kid’s soccer practice, your metabolism isn’t as forgiving as it once was. But if you’re steadily gaining weight and you can’t lose it once you get serious about diet and exercise, it could indicate a problem. Ask your doctor for blood tests to rule out problems with your thyroid or endocrine system.
Sleep Problems
We get it: getting a good night’s sleep is a lot harder in your 30s. Whether you have little kids waking you up at night or job and money stress keeping you awake, you may have good reasons to find it harder to sleep well. However, sleeping well is essential for your health and consistently poor sleep could increase your risk for diseases like cancer and diabetes. See your doctor and find out if you need a sleep study to diagnose treatable conditions like sleep apnea.
Irregular Menstrual Cycles
Most women in their 30s should still have fairly regular menstrual cycles for the most part. Cycles don’t typically become irregular until the 40s for most women when they begin perimenopause, the phase of life prior to menopause that lasts for 5-10 years and brings the uncomfortable symptoms we know about like hot flashes and mood swings. If your cycle is irregular in your 30s, you should see an OB/GYN to find out why. Your symptoms could indicate anything from polycystic ovarian syndrome to fibroids to issues with your ovarian function. Many of these conditions are very treatable, so there’s no reason to suffer unnecessarily.
Difficulty Getting Pregnant
More women than ever are waiting until their 30s to begin having children. While there are many important factors in this very personal decision, it’s a fact that fertility sharply declines for women in their 30s. If you’re over 30 and you’re trying without any luck to get pregnant, make sure you consult with an OB/GYN or reproductive specialist. Such a physician can run tests to determine whether or not you and your partner have underlying health issues that could be an issue and can help you to overcome them if so.
If you’re over 30, it’s important to pay attention to your health. You may notice early signs of health problems that could become bigger problems down the road. Now is the time to take your health seriously so that you can stay happy and healthy for many years to come.