We’ve already covered the 45 ridiculously adorable kittens, because kittens are ridiculously adorable. That means it’s time for 47 ridiculously cute puppies.

Just two friends hanging out on the floor.

They’re going to be best friends.

One day he wants to be a pilot.

Doesn’t he look comfortable?

Someone looks like he just got a bath.

The dog treats are bigger than the dog. Isn’t this adorable?!

This little bugger just wants love — and to know what the heck a camera is!

Can you say excited?

Leash training is going well.

Just look at that precious face.

Just saying hi.

Chocolate labs are so freak’n sweet.

And this little guy on the lookout.

Is there a cuter dog out there?

She’s a sweat heart.

Just another day at the beach.

What a handsome fella.

It’s like a trek through the forest when you’re this small.

He’s coming to get you!

Someone was just woken up from a nap.

Okay, this puppy might be the cutest.

Look at those pink ears!

He’s ready to play.

Just wanting some peace and quiet.

This little booger is hiding.

Please look at me!

Those eyes are going to melt cold hearts.

Fuzzy wuzzy.

So much to explore!

So well behaved.

Nom nom.

Lazy puppy.

Snow is fun!

Okay, this puppy wins the cute contest.

A pile of puppies!

Do these rolls make me look fat?

Nap time!

She wants to go play!

Strike a pose.

A basket of puppies? Yes please.

Let’s play fetch.

How cute!

I think this little guy sees his reflection in the floor.

Just out for a stroll.

Bundled up.

There you have them, 47 ridiculously cute puppies. Be sure to check out our article with 45 ridiculously adorable kittens!