One of the most annoying things about travel is the lack of sleep on long haul international flights. Here we look at six tips to sleep on your flight, if you cannot afford Business or First Class travel.
Dress comfortably
Choose clothes and shoes that are a little loose, to allow for any swelling during the flight. Wear layers of clothes to help adjust to the temperature in the plane. Also when sleeping, make sure that you “buckle up” in a way that the cabin staff can see that you are safe, otherwise they will wake you if there is any turbulence.
Choose your seat
If you need something to lean on when you sleep, choose a window seat on the side of the plane that suits you best. Ask your travel agent for to assist you in choosing your seat. Also, stay well clear of the toilets and galleys as those areas are quite noisy. Be careful when you recline your seat, so as not to disturb the people around you.
Purchase (a) a suitable neck pillow. Find one that is comfortable and easy to carry, (b) an eye mask so that the lights do not wake you up, and (c) a set of noise cancelling headphones. They come in several qualities and generally “the more you pay the more noise they cancel.” Simply put them on, turn them on and either choose quiet music/sound or no sound at all.
Choose the right food and drink
Avoid alcohol and coffee as both cause dehydration. Drink water and eat sensibly. There will be food at your destination! Avoid sleeping tablets unless prescribed, as they have been linked to deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Although natural sleeping tonics could be helpful for some people, especially when sleeping in a fully reclined position.
Take a walk
After the plane has taken-off, the captain usually announces that it is safe to walk in the cabin. Take the opportunity to reduce the swelling in your feet every few hours and do a few stretches in your seat before you try to fall asleep.
Set your alarm
Should you be a good sleeper, don’t forget to wake up in time to freshen up!
On flights that are not fully booked, you might move to a seat that has vacant adjacent seats. On the larger planes the 4 seats in the middle are great locations to lay down and sleep.
In summary, plan your travel, seek advice from your travel agent and take a few simple precautions, as outlined in the six tips to sleep on your flight. Then your long haul international flights will be less uncomfortable and you may arrive fresh and ready to explore your destination.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Nivala