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Anavar for Women – All The Things You Should Know

A lot of people assume that only men are interested in bodybuilding but this is not true at all. There are a lot of women who have also felt the need to become stronger. So they too are also interested in getting a boost by taking steroids. There are different anabolic steroids available in the market but they are not recommended for women. The only one available is Anavar for women. This is the exception to the rule.

There are a lot of women who take Anavar because this steroid is considered to be mild especially when compared to its other counterparts. The muscle gains that are achieved from taking this steroid is not as large as what would be expected from other steroids. Women are perfectly fine with having muscles that are not too large with the exception of some women who would like to have bigger muscles.

Various Benefits

Anavar for women will not be considered if they would not give the type of effects that women have. Here are some of the expected benefits:

  • This can make women agiler – For women who play sports, being agile is one of the traits that they should have to ensure that they will be able to move more quickly. The better that they are at doing this, the more likely they are going to win the games that they play.
  • The muscle gains are not as large as what other steroids can provide – Muscles on women can look amazing as long as the muscles are not too much in volume that they look scary or too masculine. This reason is probably one of the main reasons why this is chosen over all the other steroids.
  • Muscles can work longer – The stamina of the muscles can be increased greatly by taking Anavar for women. It can allow women to work out more because their muscles are not giving up on them yet. At the same time, workouts can be more effective as compared to working out without Anavar.
  • Improved cardiovascular endurance – One of the main reasons why people die is because of their poor cardiovascular health. By taking Anavar, women can improve their cardiovascular endurance greatly because women will be more inclined to do cardio workouts that will make the heart stronger.

If you are not too familiar with what cardiovascular endurance is, this is the process wherein your body will continue to provide oxygen to all of your muscles even when you are working out. This means that your muscles will be able to take more so that they will not feel any fatigue anytime soon.

The better your cardiovascular endurance is, the more that you will have the ability to manage your stress. Stress is the main reason for serious diseases. If you do not reduce the amount of stress that you experience in life, you are going to feel tired all the time and will be more prone to acquiring various health conditions.

  • It helps with suppressing appetite – This may be the benefit that women consider to be their favorite. It is already a known fact that women are more prone to getting fat as compared to men but since this will suppress their appetite, they will have more control of the food that they can and cannot eat. By controlling their food intake, they tend to lose more weight and fat and to consume more protein that can help them with muscle gain.

Taking Anavar Effectively

Anavar is not like a simple medication that you can take anytime you want. You have to know when to properly take it so that it can provide the best results.

  • This is effective to be taken during the cutting cycle wherein you have lost the fat that you need to lose and you are on your best efforts to build muscle.
  • 10 mg of Anavar for women is recommended especially for beginners. For women who are already seeing the results they want, there is no need for them to increase their intake.
  • 20 mg for women is already the ultimate limit. If there are no results even with that amount then it might not be the right steroid to take.
  • The Anavar cycle for a lot of women lasts for 6 weeks. After taking the Anavar continuously for those number of weeks, there should be a stop for about 4 weeks before trying out Anavar again.

For women who plan to take Anavar, it is recommended that they ask the recommendations of their doctor just to be sure about their intake and cycles.

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