If you are searching for a mild anabolic steroid, do not look very far because Anavar can be the one that you are searching for. It is one of the most popular anabolic steroids. In fact, some men and women are doing the Anavar only cycle because they know that it works. It may be expensive especially when you compare it to the other anabolic steroids available but people are saying that it is all worth it.
It is best that you find out as much information about it as you can before you try it. This way, you can truly decide if the Anavar only cycle is meant for you or not.
Some Side Effects
The number one side effect you can expect from doing this cycle is testosterone suppression. This means that the production of testosterone will be reduced. It is milder than other steroids though but you can still expect the following:
- Moodiness
- Less Libido
- Poor Sexual Performance
A lot of people who try using Anavar can begin to experience the above-mentioned side effects in a matter of days. This is why some people do not only take Anavar alone; they also take it with exogenous testosterone so that their testosterone levels will be retained.
Why Some Athletes Still Try The Anavar Cycle
It was mentioned earlier that this type of steroid is particularly mild. This makes it easier to use as compared to other steroids. There are still other reasons that people give as to why they push through with it.
- It does not convert to estrogen.
- The side effects are very few especially when compared to other types of testosterone.
- The risk of acquiring liver toxicity with prolonged use of this steroid is not too high.
Anavar is best taken when people are trying to make their body leaner and cut. This can have a small effect on defining the muscles and acquiring more muscles with training. It can also help in the maintenance of the muscles when people are trying to cut back on calories to get rid of fat.
What Will You Get?
If you choose to continue with the Anavar only cycle, you have to be prepared for the benefits that it can provide you. One thing that you should remember: do not expect that it will give you those huge muscles that you see Dianabol users have. You may get some muscles but they may be smaller than others. Here are other things you can expect:
- You can definitely improve your strength – You will normally feel the extra strength within 2 weeks of your cycle. You do not have to worry about not having the ability to push yourself to the limit.
- Improve your vascularity – It seems that one of the main goals of bodybuilders is to appear vascular and the use of Anavar can totally give this desired effect.
- Great pumps – There are some athletes who experience pain when they are doing pumps at high reps or when the cycle extends too long. While it lasts though, the pumps are going to be amazing.
Proper Dosages to Take
The recommended dosage for Anavar is usually 80 mg but because this is known to be a mild steroid, there are some men who increase their steroids for up to 100 mg. Some even go higher than that because they believe that anything that is below 100 mg will not have any effect on their bodies at all. If you are wondering what the proper dosage is for you is, you can ask your doctor about it. You will be given the information you need.
Other Benefits of the Anavar Only Cycle
It is only natural that you want to know more about how this cycle can help you reach your bodybuilding goals; but there are still other benefits that you are not too familiar with:
- Anavar is used by burn victims so that they can maintain or regain the weight that they need in order to continue with healing.
- This steroid is also used by people who are suffering from AIDS especially when they need to feel stronger.
- This may have a positive effect on the body’s respiratory function.
- There are still some studies going on about how Anavar can help heal some types of wounds.
- It will not provide liver toxicity unlike other types of steroids.
It is evident that the Anavar only cycle can have a good effect to users provided that Anavar will be used wisely.