It’s pretty normal for folks to bring their dog on camping trips, but cats? Yes, camping with cats is a thing. If you’ve been thinking about bringing your kitty friend along with you on your next camping trip, it’s definitely possible. With a little preparation and love, your feline will feel right at home beside you outdoors.
Know your cat
Before considering turning your cat into an adventure cat, make sure you know if he/she can handle it. If your cat is super anxious and freaks out during a short car ride to the vet, maybe camping isn’t such a good idea. Some cats are simply indoor cats, and there is nothing wrong with keeping it that way. Forcing your cat to go on an adventure can really overwhelm them, and even allow something bad to happen (like injuries or death).
If you’re on the fence, try going places close to your home first. Take your cat to the park, farther into your backyard or a friends house to get him acclimated to being away from their familiar setting. That way, once you get to the campsite it won’t be such a shock.
Bring the right gear
Since your cat will be outside with no fence, it’s really important to bring a harness and a leash. You never know what could happen on a campsite to scare your kitty, whether it’s another dog or noise. No one wants to have to call the fire department to get a cat out of a tree.
A quite obvious one is also a disposable litter box. Your cat might just use the leaves as its litter box, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Plus, what if he has to go in the tent? Don’t try to break your cat’s potty habits.
Another obvious thing to bring: food and water. Hot dogs over a fire won’t exactly satisfy your cat. Pack a small bag of food and a bottle of water or two with bowls for both.
It’s also a good idea to bring a small bed or pillow for your cat to sleep on. You’re bringing yourself a sleeping bag and pillow, so who says your kitty doesn’t need somewhere to sleep anyways? Even if he or she will probably end up sleeping right next to your face, it’s nice for him/her to know that they have a place to sleep. It’s the thought that counts.
Last but not least, enjoy these photos of cats camping, courtesy of Camping With Cats.