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The Carb Cycling Calculator Guide

Carbs can be an evil enemy when you are on a spree to lose weight i.e. dieting. Maybe you are trying to have the physique of your dreams or be it anything else. If you want to shun weight and tone your body, you have to eliminate a certain amount of carb intake in your life. One of the dietary procedures which help to reduce weight is to cycle your carbs. You have to have extensive knowledge about carb cycling and the carb cycling calculator in order to work on it with persistence and consistency.

So, here is your ultimate guide to carb cycling.

What Is Carb Cycling and Why You Should Do It?

Carbs or carbohydrates are the energy units of the human body. They fuel our activities and also provide it for storage to be used later. You might be thinking and you would not be wrong if you are that how you would get things done if you limit carbs from your diet. This is not what carb cycling is about, it about eating carbs from specific sources that would not add fat to the body. Also, the cycling would ensure that the fat is utilized for burning to give fuel rather it effecting the muscle tissues. Carb cycling also involves consuming carbs mindfully for which the use of a carb cycling calculator is highly recommended.

Why It Is Better Than Tradition Dieting?

Carb cycling is better than traditional cycling and the main reason is that it does not stop you from consuming carbs completely and thus you are able to do your routine chores, including workouts. As mentioned earlier, it is a dieting method which provides for scheduled increase and decrease in intake of carbohydrates and also in some cases it provides for the caloric intake.

You can choose between different carb cycling protocols, but generally you switch between 2 or 2 kinds of days:

  • High-Carb Days

As the name suggests, these are your high carb and high calorie days and involve consuming 2 to 2.5 grams of carbs per pound of body weight.

  • Days Without Carb

These days ask for less than 30 grams of carbs altogether. These are the lowest carb days where you get carbs from only green vegetables.

  • Low-Carb Days

These days involve taking 0.5 grams of carbs per pound of body weight and come in the middle of highest and lowest calorie days.

Calculating Carbs

You can calculate your carbs through the carb cycling calculator and thus not require much effort yourself.

As for the question: why carb cycling? The answer is that it aims to shun fats not carbs because carbs don’t make you gain weight – fats do. This process may seem too complicated to you, but you are not alone. To facilitate, a carb cycling calculator would make this process simple and easier for you. All you have to do is to make a dietary plan and schedule your carb intake in which a carb cycling calculator will help you.

Carb Cycling Calculator

As the carb-cycling involves burning fat and spares muscle tissues, it is much better than traditional dieting. A carb cycling calculator is designed to calculate the carb intake according to your meal plan. It helps you with cycling your carbs efficiently. Generally, the rule applied in carb cycling is staying on low carbs for 3 days and moving on to one day of high carbs thereafter.

You may not have the time and energy for designing a meal plan according to the above rule and also many people would either not have the money or do not want to spend their money on hiring the services of someone who designs their personalized meal plan. Thus, you need the aforementioned calculator which would give you a personalized meal plan tailored as per your needs (metabolic) in just a few seconds without needing any nutrition chart or even taking your calculator out.

Also, may people inquire that how much time would be required to stay on the carb cycling plan? The answer is as long as you need to. However, it should be somewhere between two to eight weeks. However, you could decide on how long considering how much weight you need to lose. If you have not achieved your goal even after eight weeks, it means you are not doing it properly, which brings us back to the calculator which would enable you to do it right. It is worth mentioning here that carb-cycling is a short term tool and you need to switch to your normal healthy diet routine after a while.

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