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Devin Physique – A Lesson Learned

There are a lot of people who were enamored with Devin Physique in the beginning because of his amazing physique that he showcases through his social media accounts. Devin Physique’s real name is David Zimmerman and people have decided to do a little sleuthing when they noticed some discrepancies probably with the way he looks in real life as compared to how he looks like in his photos.

It was only until recently when someone decided to do a little digging about Devin Physique probably because the pictures that he posts are just too good to be true. His physique is quite good but not as good as he makes out to be through his photoshopped pictures.

There are a lot of experienced bodybuilders and lifters who would be able to see through his photoshopped pictures probably because they know that his physique cannot be achieved in a short amount of time. However, a lot of people in social media do not immediately realize this. They see how good he looks in his pictures and they want to have the same body too.

A lot of these supposed “fitness trainers” who are in social media do not know anything about the proper training that should be done in order to reach their desired bodies. They are not too familiar with nutrition as well. This can become very problematic when people decide to trust what they see on social media as their basis for their choices.

When he was found to have doctored his images, Devin Physique said that he is sorry for letting a lot of people down. He claims that a lot of people normally doctor their images so that they can look better. It seems that he has forgotten that doctored images are usually for magazine covers wherein people are expected to look perfect. He has photoshopped his photos in order to gain a lot of money and this is the reason why he is considered to be a scam artist.

From the time that people noticed his startling body on pictures, they have started to purchase his products because they truly believed that they will achieve the same body that he has. People have spent tons of money just for his items.

The Statement of His Assistant

The assistant of Devin has stated that she moved closer to his home so that they can coordinate their schedules. When Devin was not exposed yet for the things that he does, he was gaining a lot financially and his assistant was needed to coordinate his schedules and stuff.

She has described Devin as a greedy person because even though he was getting a lot of money due to his work, he only gave her 20% of the total. She has worked as a personal assistant so it was part of her job to answer all the e-mails that Devin has received especially from people. She has also said that they have sold a text service wherein the assistant is supposed to answer. His assistant knows exactly what he is doing but she decided to still push through with it. When she is asked why she has done it, she does not have an answer. In the end – it is all about money.

She has said that her video is released not because she would like to get the sympathy of people but because she wants to explain her side of the story. She made sure that all of the business operations are exposed to the public. It is good that she does not want people to feel sorry for her because quite frankly, she was part of all the operations of the business and she took part in it without being forced to do so.

Dropped by Sponsors

Aside from the money that Devin Physique was getting for his various products, he also got sponsorship from some brands like Shredz. The moment that his controversy became public and became viral, Shredz dropped him. This is probably because of the controversy that it can also give the company. They do not want further negative issues to hound their name.

With all of the things that have occurred with Devin, he says that for those who are not happy with the gains that they have achieved he can give a certain type of plan for no extra fee. He does not offer a refund for people who have paid for his products so far.

Hopefully, this article can be a lesson for other scammers like Devin who are scamming people through their social media accounts.

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