The joy of hiking increases even more if it’s done in the light of full moon. It has its own unique pleasure that remains unavailable in the traditional format of hiking. Depending on the time of year and destination that you prefer for hiking, you can feel the fun of this adventurous sport. Given below are some great destinations for full moon hiking:
Bryce Canyon National Park

This part situated in southern Utah is known for its breathtaking and beautiful show. Its colorful and twisted rocks known as Hoodoos look astonishing in the light of moon and the whole park gains a very spooky view every night. On the night of each full moon you can enjoy one or two miles long ranger guided hikes into canyon. Snowshoe hikes also remain available during the winter season and each hike provides a unique experience of canyon’s geology.
White Sands National Monument

If you’ve ever been curious to see dunes under the light of moon then this hike will certainly blow your mind! The beautiful dunes of White Sands National Monument look marvelous in moonlit condition. This hiking destination located in New Mexico is unique in itself because dunes found here are thousands of years old. More interestingly, they’re made of gypsum which is rarely found in sand.

This destination offers a 3 hours and 2 miles long guided hike of the desert. Your hiking guides will provide UV black lights during the hike for finding the scorpions native to this area. Don’t worry, they won’t be able to hide themselves from your guides and will glow as soon as the UV black lights are shined on them. When sun sets and night starts covering the desert, you’ll see the never before seen colors and beauty of this desert.
Makapu’u Point Lighthouse
When we think of Hawaii we don’t think of hiking automatically, but in my opinion we should. I’m saying this because Makapu’u Point Lighthouse located in the amazing island of Oahu is a wonderful spot for hikers. It offers moderate 2 miles long hikes, which include the beauty of its coastline. When moon rises through the clouds its rays increase the beauty of ocean waves even more on this site. Hiking while experiencing that beauty of ocean waves has its own wonderful feeling!
If you’ve been hiking from quite long and want to experience something new in it then full moon hiking is the thing that you’re looking for. So go to your preferred destination and experience its joy!
This article was written by Richard D Knowles for increasing awareness about full moon hiking. If you want to learn more about full moon hike then visit rivershoes.org
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ricard_D_Knowles