As you leaf through the holiday gift catalogs, you’ll probably notice that most, if not all, the advertised toys are technology based. You’ve got virtual reality game systems, talking teddy bears, beginner laptops, and a whole lot more. Besides the fact that these all require batteries or electricity, wouldn’t it be nice to watch your child open a gift that doesn’t involve technology?
Of course, the challenge is that today’s kids are programmed to desire the latest technological advances in toys, just as adults are. They love light up, talking and walking toys just as we love bright and shiny new cell phones and gadgets. So will your child’s face fall when they open your gift and it doesn’t need batteries? Not if you choose one or more of these amazing gift ideas for your kids that don’t involve technology.
The old fashioned kind, not the digital kind. Yes, paper books are still desirable to kids, even though certain online digital publishing goliaths would have you think otherwise. If you don’t provide paper books to your kids, you’re depriving them of one of the most memorable parts of growing up – hiding under the bed covers at night with a flashlight, reading till way past their bedtime.
If you’re unsure of what books your child might like, tuck a bookstore gift card into their stocking and let them roam the aisles of your favorite local bookstore to choose their own book adventure. And word to the wise – if they gravitate toward books about how to score advanced levels of their favorite video game, don’t judge. Just be happy they’re reading.
Here are some suggestions your kids might love:
The Warriors Series
Warring clans of cats, what’s not to love? There are six books in the original series, Warriors: The Prophecies Begin, and six more in the follow-up series: The New Prophecy boxed set. Fun to read and they support Common Core Standards.
Junie B. Jones
The B. stands for Beatrice. Younger kids will love the adventures of Junie B. Jones, the world’s trouble-causingest kindergartener.
Greenglass house
A massive mansion turned into a bed-and-breakfast. A snowstorm on Christmas Eve that traps a group of mysterious travelers. A boy and a girl work together to solve the mystery. You’ll be stealing this one from them when they’re finished.
Journal and Pen
Speaking of words, the gift of a private journal and pen would be valuable to a preteen or teen. Teens these days are filled with turbulent thoughts, just as you were when you were that age. Why not promote healthy writing habits that may last a lifetime with a beautiful journal and special writing pen? If your teen can’t talk to you about all their problems, at least they can get out their angst on paper.
You can find gorgeous journals at local bookstores, along with finely crafted pens that come in their own gift boxes. Most teens and adolescents would appreciate your thoughtfulness with such a gift.
Mead Composition Book
The classic you had in school, colored by subject. A pack 12 pack of assorted colors for under $20. Pair it with a pack of multicolored Uni-Ball fine point rollerball pens.
Sketch Book and Colored Pencils
Does your kid love to draw? This hardbound Pentalic Sketch Book is durable and looks cool, and pairs perfectly with this set of 50 assorted-color pencils.
Word of the Day Calendar
Does your teen struggle with vocabulary or reading? It’s possible to come home with poor grades and still have a strong yearning for learning. There are many reasons why your child might struggle with English language skills; including stress, poor teaching, poor diet and bad eyesight.
Why not help your child feel better about their ability to learn and grow with a Word of the Day calendar. These are fun and functional calendars that are available at most bookstores for under $20. Your child can increase their vocabulary on their own schedule instead of being asked to take tests and prove their skills in the classroom. It’s a refreshing take on learning that your teen will probably think is pretty cool of you to give them as a gift.
365 New Words-A-Year Page-A-Day Calendar 2017
The standard. It’s just what it says, 365 days with a new word on each page.
365 Spanish Words-A-Year Page-A-Day Calendar 2017
Because it’s fun to learn a new language.
294 Bad Jokes & 71 Punderful Puns Page-A-Day Calendar 2017
Just what it says. But wordplay makes kids smart, and it will make breakfast a more cheerful event.
There are few better ways to escape technology than to get out on the water in a kayak. Kayaking is by its very nature a quiet sport that requires nothing more than a body of water and the kayak itself. Kayaks don’t need gasoline or electricity, and it’s a sport that can be undertaken alone or in pairs or groups. Your capable teen can kayak on almost any body of water, including lakes, rivers, estuaries and even the ocean.
If you decide a kayak might be a good gift for your child, consider purchasing additional useful items, including a life jacket and a car rack to transport the kayak. Kayak body shapes vary according to where they are meant to be used, so be sure to consult with a sporting goods expert before you purchase.
These gift ideas for your kids don’t involve technology, and yet they are sure to be appreciated. There are many other great gift ideas out there. If you think of some, please leave a comment below!