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Homemade Car Washing Detergents From Household Materials

man washing car
By: Robert Couse-Baker

Car washing soaps can be both harsh on your car and your wallet. Often times, many of the ingredients can be found lying around your house. Knowing how to measure and mix your own car wash soaps can save you time and money in the long run and many people would like to know what is put into the mixes that they use to clean. This also enables you to be more environmentally and economically conscious. A soap made for washing cars from manufacturing companies is often desired, but an alkali free soap that is easier on the hands and the earth is often sought after.
One of the biggest misconceptions when making homemade detergents for your car is that you cannot use dish soap. Many people believe that it will strip off the clear coating, but in reality, dish soap that is gentle and mild on the hands will also be gentle and mild enough to use on your car without any damage. By following these simple and easy steps, you can make a batch of homemade car washing detergent that you will use over and over again!
First, never use straight hot or cold water. Warm water is best. Put it into a large bucket and swish it around. This will make simple basic detergent. With a simple detergent like this, you have a very affordable way of making a cleaning product for your car. Clear coats are tough, so don’t worry about the mix damaging that coat.
If a simple wash isn’t strong enough to get through all of that dirt and grime, you might need something a little stronger. In a bucket of warm water and dish soap, add in roughly 10 to 12 tablespoons of laundry detergent that is powdered. It is a little stronger, but still will not be strong enough to damage your car. If your vehicle is extra grimy, you might need to make more than one bucket of mix.
One of the biggest complaints of car washing are the streaks that can be left behind. One way to avoid streaking when using homemade car wash soaps is by adding in a little Bor-ax to the detergent mix. Bor-ax makes sure that all the soap is removed and dries evenly to prevent streaking.
When you are choosing detergent, you should always buy one that will produce many suds. A great choice would be to use biodegrading detergents as this kind will not harm the environment around where you wash the car. Chlorine and phosphate free soaps are highly recommended as they will not harm the environment. Phosphate has also been known to cause damage to the finish of your paint.
Always look at the ingredients in anything you choose to mix into the soapy water. Not only do you not want to do damage to your car and the paint, but you don’t want to do damage to the environment. Homemade car washing soaps can be fun and safe!
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