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Ex-Con Kali Muscle Becomes an Icon

There are a lot of people who think that bodybuilders are usually so self-absorbed that they do not care about other people anymore. However, there are a lot of bodybuilders who care about people and they wish to share their bodybuilding experience so that they can inspire people to do the same. Kali Muscle is one of those bodybuilders who managed to turn his life around.

You have to remember that not all body builders are the same. There are some who live for building muscles, dieting, and exercising. These bodybuilders usually follow a routine every day. These are the ones who would like to go through life following the life they have always wanted to live. There are a lot of people who think that Kali Muscle is someone who is a bit different from the rest.

What Makes Kali Muscle Different?

There are a lot of people who think that Kali is different probably because he does not follow the stereotype of bodybuilders. People are normally surprised to know that Kali is an ex-gang leader. What makes him different is he does not deny all of the things that he has gone through. He has proven that even though he is an ex-convict, he was able to brave through the different odds that he had to face. He is living proof that as long as you desire to get what you want, you will be able to achieve it properly.

His Hardships

It is important that you know what he has gone through before he reached the type of status that he has today. The neighborhood that he grew up in was full of poverty and crime. This is the reason why he has to toughen up. He had to make sure that he would be able to live each day well. He was considered to be the “black sheep.”

The violence where he lived was really extreme. He was forced to point the gun at someone when he was in elementary school. He wanted to defend himself and the rest of his gang from other people but he knew that he could not live this way.

When he became a teenager, he wanted to do something different with his life. This is the reason why he became interested in bodybuilding. His first job was at the gym and this only heightened his love for bodybuilding even more. After he started to love bodybuilding, this was the time when he stated to get his life back on track. He got involved in different types of sports. He started to do wrestling and he even did track and football.

Even though things seemed to be getting better for him, he became bitter about life again when his older brother was killed. According to the reports, his older brother was playing around with a gun and it cost him his life. From there, he felt that other bad things started happening to him. He had some financial difficulties and he resorted to doing robbery so that he can have money to purchase the items that he needs. He was arrested and was convicted to spend time in prison. Kali Muscle has always said that it was his years in prison that truly changed him as a person.

What Made Him Change

There are some people who think that ex-convicts are only going to turn worse when they are in prison but this was not true in the case of Kali. He started lifting weights and he did it very easily. Since he started to focus more on his physique, obvious changes started to happen. He followed a certain diet in prison which was not considered by other bodybuilders as standard or even healthy. With all of the things that he did, he gained 230 lbs.

There was a time when weights were removed from prison and he felt that he would never get his big break anymore. He just made sure that he will make do with all the other items that are available in order to be used as weights.

He was able to get his big break the moment that he got out of prison. He was featured in various videos that showed his amazing physique. This is just the type of exposure that he needed. Kali Muscle was able to show the world that he was able to build the body that he wanted without the traditional equipment that bodybuilders supposedly use.

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