Craft beer is manufactured by an independent, small brewing company. This type of beverage would not be the product of a large, traditional brewer. Once you develop a taste for this unusual style, you may be pleased to learn about the many benefits of drinking this libation.
Enhanced Taste
You might be pleasantly surprised by the different styles and tastes you encounter when you explore craft beer. Instead of drinking the dull and lifeless concoctions produced by the big manufacturers, you can sip drafts produced in small batches by producers who are working to create innovative and enticing products for customers. These brewers don’t cut corners or leave out important ingredients to reduce costs. Instead, they go out of their way to choose the best ingredients to create the finest lager.
Higher Alcohol Content
Alcohol levels are typically higher in these specialty ales. Generic beer usually has an alcohol content of approximately two to three percent, with light products having even less alcohol. In contrast, craft beer tends to come in at between five and ten percent, with some products reaching 20 percent or even as high as 40 percent.
Health Benefits
You may not be accustomed to connecting health benefits with these types of drinks, but specialty ales have ingredients that can improve your health. The nutrients include B vitamins, soluble fiber, and antioxidants such as ferulic acid. These craft beverages are actually higher in antioxidants than red wine. Drinking these beverages may also help you combat osteoporosis.
Less Expensive
Although these cold ones can be pricey if you consider the individual price when compared to standard beverages, it’s likely that you will spend less overall by choosing these drinks. The reason this choice is less expensive than traditional beverages is because of the elevated alcohol content. Because these libations are more satisfying with a higher alcohol content, you will drink less than traditional lagers, but you will likely enjoy the drinks much more.
Seasonal Choices
Small, nontraditional breweries usually create seasonal choices for customers. It’s common for new releases to come out with the changing seasons, or a brewery will bring back old favorites to usher in a new time of year. You might enjoy experimenting with different flavors to find new favorites. In addition, sample brews from other local breweries or try unusual ones from different regions and countries.
Celebrating the Independent
Instead of supporting the big monopolies, you might enjoy channeling your money into the smaller companies that are striving to create and provide an artisan product. The independent breweries make up a small percentage of the alcoholic beverage industry, so supporting these companies can help ensure that they remain a thriving alternative. When you sip one of these artisan drinks, you have the opportunity to taste individual creativity with authentic flavors.
Explore a veritable feast of alcoholic options when you open the door to craft beer. You may be surprised at the beverage and food combinations you concoct when you pair delicious foods with innovative libations.
To learn more about their options for craft beer, Albuquerque residents should visit http://oniells.com/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anders_Abadie