If you want to feel better about yourself and laugh at others, take a look at the moronic things these people have done and said. We promise, you won’t be able to keep from laughing — and having a smug sense of superiority.
Without further ado, we celebrate idiots who are ruining the human gene pool.
Her brain isn’t worth protecting.
Don’t judge us for saying that. The truth hurts.
Her plan to fill up her gas tank is about to go up in flames.
The irony is strong with this one.
This tattoo is also lacking an apostrophe, but at this point does that even matter?
At least she had a bra on.
Hugging is difficult.
We doubt this student did much better in his/her other classes.
Do you even computer, bro?
Also, caps lock? Really?
If only we could vaccinate people against stupid.
Jesus invented hats and sunglasses just for looking good. They have no utility whatsoever.
Who else wouldn’t mind aging at half the rate of everyone else? And just in case you didn’t know, the answer is 64. 
Our schools are failing us.
The saddest part isn’t that this person didn’t know Lindsay Lohan played both roles in The Parent Trap; it’s the fact that he/she considered that a convincing British accent.
It’s not like the first episodes even had someone flying a plane. I just don’t get it!
If my boss ever tries this with me I’m quitting.
We seriously hope this was some epic trolling.
We just.. No… Just no.
Dear God, please don’t let this child be homeschooled. Please, God, save us from generational stupidity.
We’re just happy the person who commented was able to spot the irony. Maybe there is hope for the human race.
Oh, Irony, how we love thee. Also, the Kardashians have ruined all hope for the future again.
Kimber shouldn’t reproduce. Ever.
Does anyone else think people should be required to have a minimum IQ before being allowed to use social media?
All these people are dumb as hell. All of them.
No, this cannot be blamed on dyslexia.
This just makes me feel really old. Anyone else?
This picture is why people should be required to undergo some sort of gun safety training before owning a firearm.
Oh, for f***’s sake.
We agree, intelligent life is difficult to find on this planet.