For those with pets, going away on holiday means that you’ll have to decide on the best way to care for your pets while you are gone. Most pet lovers can’t bear to leave behind much a valued family member. To ease your mind, we have compiled a list of great tips to help you travel with your pets.
By Plane
If you’re flying, check the requirements and conditions for pets outlined by the specific airline you are travelling with. I would recommend calling or emailing them if you need any clarification on their conditions.
By Land: Map out bathroom breaks
If you’re driving to your destination, it’s important to map out and schedule stops for bathroom breaks. To avoid your pet from getting restless, use the bathroom breaks to let them run around.
By Land: Test proof the experience
Before you commit to a long voyage with your beloved pet you should get a good understanding of what you’re in for. Take them for a 2-hour drive to see if they develop motion sickness or severe anxiety. This will help you take precautions, if needed. It will also familiarize them to the conditions and allow them to get comfortable with it. You can take this a bit further by rewarding them each time they get in the car to create a positive association with it.
By Land: Crate for safety
Even though the idea of locking up your pet sounds terrible, when you’re traveling it’s a matter of safety. Pets freely roaming around a vehicle while you are driving can be distracting and extremely dangerous. Studies have shown that crating pets can also reduce their anxiety during long distance journeys.
Puppy Pads, puppy pads and more puppy pads!
Even if you have an adult, house-trained pet, travelling can often make them disorientated, which can result in little accidents. So make sure you have some puppy pads handy wherever you are.
Tag them!
Handling pets in unfamiliar surroundings can be very scary for you and your pet. In case of an emergency it’s very important to have a sturdy collar & tag with your contact details. If you are travelling your usual contact details may not apply, so remember to update the tags accordingly.
Stock up on necessities.
When you’re on vacation the last thing you need to worry about is refilling your pet’s medication prescription, finding their preferred food – or worse, introducing new food that they negatively react to. To avoid this, pack enough food for your entire stay and then some. Don’t rely on purchasing food at your destination. Pack some toys and blankets from home to sooth them during your journey.
Get a vet check-up
Visit the veterinarian for a full check up prior to your vacation. If your pet is prone to motion sickness our anxiety, your vet will be able to prescribe something appropriate. Take advantage of your visit and ask any questions that come to mind.
Find pet friendly accommodation
There is often a misconception that hotels and motels will accommodate your pets, however this is not always the case. It’s important to double check with them prior to making any payments. Be clear on the size and requirements of your pet to ensure a positive experience for your beloved pet as well as yourself. If you have larger pets you may want to opt for a holiday home.
Through careful planning, preparation and these handy tips, you can have an amazing travel experience with your pets, regardless of your destination.
For amazing pet friendly holiday houses, villas and apartments worldwide visit http://www.luxuryholidayhouses.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Liza_Wick