Buying a new vehicle, be it a bike or car, is an important decision. Though bikes have become more of a necessity than a luxury than ever, the buying decision has not become any less complex. In fact, buying the perfect bike has become more taxing than before, thanks to the many choices available in the market. As there is no dearth of motorcycles in the market, it makes a good sense to explore all your options and make sensible decisions before actually buying one.
The first point one has make clear is how and where one is going to use the bike. Is the bike meant for long rides or is it to be used within the city or amidst heavy traffic. One has to take note of the factors such as fuel efficiency, service network, and safety.
Once it has been decided to buy the bike, the first thing to ask oneself is how much money can be spared. A budget should be drafted after considering factors like disposable income and other available funds. In this context, it would be better if one does a bit of homework and find out how much money he can afford to pay as down payment what is the maximum EMI that one can afford, without stretching the family budget. It is better to do a thorough homework on all these factors and also on all the bikes falling in your price range.
Once the budgeting part is done, the next step is to determine the type of bike that would fit into your budget. Questions like the manufacturer of the bike and the model, as well as a bike suitable for your body type, should be considered.
Once you decide on the bike, one can visit an authorized bike dealer. Choose a bike that is suitable to your body type and that which can be handled with comfort. Though sports bikes look all attractive and cool, it may not be that easy for a beginner to handle. It is better to go for a more traditional bike if it is needed for daily use. Sports bike are for the experienced and adventurous lot and best for riding on off-roads. A spontaneous purchase is likely to make you pay more and suffer regret later.
Test-drive the bike and make sure that you have an idea of the general feel.
Check and compare the warranties and insurance schemes and go for the lowest interest loan in the market. Additional expenses like helmet, jacket and gloves should be considered. One should also consider the cost of routine maintenance which can vary wildly from model to model.
Being an Expert writer about auto industry, Alvin enjoys reading automotive articles and blogs online. He independently write on auto industry recent happenings.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alan_William_George